Wednesday, August 11, 2010

the crappy super street fighter 4 awards

the super street fighter 4 obsession is so crazy that i actually woke up midnight last night just to play the game. i'm insane. i know.

there's no way i can rationalize the obsession. so, to amuse myself, despite the tons of articles waiting to be written, i held a crappy super street fighter awards. i started off with an interesting category: the hottest male street fighter.


and the nominees for the hottest male street fighter award are


because we like his hot, innocently-bored look


because he'll shoryuken us if he's not on this list; but seriously, there's something about him that's hot and, well, ryu-ish


because he remind us of a hot model

and the winner is

because he looks like daniel kenji matsunaga

send in your nominees for the most fashionable female street fighter award

we know rose is in

p.s. i'm bored again. *whispers* call me

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